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Bio-Tek Divests Biomedical Division to Focus on Core Microplate Business


Bio-Tek Instruments, a division of Lionheart Technologies, Inc., has begun an expansion of its core Microplate Instrumentation business.

Bio-Tek has recently divested the company?s Biomedical division to focus on its highly successful microplate instrumentation, software, and robotic systems, which serve the rapidly expanding biotechnology and drug discovery markets.

The Fluke Corporation, a global leader in electrical test and measurement technology, has acquired the Biomedical Instruments Division which comprises three organizations: DNI Nevada located in Carson City, NV; Dale Technologies in Thornwood, NY; and the Biomedical division of Bio-Tek Instruments in Winooski, VT.

According to Mr. Briar Alpert, President of Lionheart Technologies, Inc., ?This strategic decision will allow for increased focus and investment in Bio-Tek Instruments? Laboratory Division.? Mr. Alpert also reported, ?The remarkable growth of our microplate business, over 20% in certain markets last year, encouraged us to focus our full attention on meeting the emerging requirements of this high-growth, competitive market. We are increasingly being recognized as a market leader in all facets of the microplate instrument and data management market.

Quelle: BioTek Instruments GmbH