Online Laboratory Magazine

The Perfect Solution for Every TOC-Analysis: multi N/C


The new multi N/C series sets standards! The parameters TOC, NPOC, POC, TC, TIC and TNb can be measured quickly, easily and without any conversion. From the analysis of drinking water and waste water, pharmaceutically used water or cleaning validation, surface water, through to water in power plants or in the semiconductor industry - this series offers the optimum solution for every application.

We offer a wide range of different analyzers:

  • multi N/C 2100: Compact and universal for environmental analysis
  • multi N/C 3100: The all-rounder for almost all TOC applications
  • multi N/C UV HS: Extremely well proven even in complicated matrices
  • multi N/C pharma: Predestined for pharmaceutical applications

Analytik Jena multi N/CHighlights of multi N/C series:

  • Wide TOC measurement range-even without sample dilution: precise detection by high end Focus Radiation NDIR Detector (FR NDIR-Detector)
  • VITA Flow Management System: For superior instrument performance and highly reproducible analytical results
  • Easy Cal: Easy calibration based on a single standard using different injection volumes, long-term stability included
  • Auto Protection: Effective measuring gas cleaning and monitoring guarantee the failure-free operation of the high-quality system components
  • Reliable oxidation: High-temperature combustion (up to 950 ºC) or High Power, Long Life UV-Reactor
  • Variable injection methods: Septum-free direct injection technique or flow injection with injection volumes up to 20.000 µL
  • High parameter diversity: TC, TOC, TIC, NPOC, NPOC plus, POC, and TNb
  • Full simultaneous TNb determination by chemiluminscence detector (CLD) or solid-state chemodetector (ChD) for TNb
  • Solids TOC analysis on the highest level: High-Temperature Ceramic (HTC) Technology- maximum robustness, flexible for various matrices and applications
  • Self Check System (SCS): For optimal operation and analysis safety
  • Automation and modular principle: Analyzer and accessories customized to your application
  • We are the only manufacturer to gladly grant all customers a long-term warranty of 10 years for the Focus Radiation NDIR Detector.


High temperature combustion:

  • TOC/TNb determination in refinery effluents
  • TOC determination in Brine
  • TOC/TN analysis in hydrogen peroxide
  • TN determination in vaccines
  • TOC SST-Testing according new USP <643> regulation

UV/wet chemical digestion:

  • TOC determination in boiler feed water
  • TOC analysis in drinking water
  • TOC monitoring in plating baths and phosphoric acid

» more information

» brochure multi N/C Series

Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
D-07745 Jena

Fon: +49 3641 779 400
Fax: +49 3641 7776 7776
Mail: Contact
Web: www.analytik-jena.com