Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


CAMAG Bibliographic Service Thin-Layer Chromatography (CBS 105) released


CAMAG has been publishing this unique bulletin on thin-layer chromatography publications regularly since 1965. It is produced twice a year, usually in March and September and is available to CAMAG customers at no charge.

A CBS abstract usually includes the following information: name(s) of the author(s), address of author dealing with correspondence, original title if in one of the usual western hemisphere languages, English translations of the title, publication details, brief abstract of the TLC related content with particular reference to separation systems, detection methods used, quantification, results, etc. References are arranged in 38 classification sections and numerous subsections for easy systematic reference.

The purpose of the >CBS< is to inform readers of the existence of a paper in their particular field of interest. Reprints or photocopies of papers abstracted in the CBS are not available from CAMAG. However, the address of the author to whom correspondence or requests for reprints should be sent is quoted when stated in the original publication.

The complete collection of CBS references between 1982 and the latest copy of CBS is available as download from CAMAG.

Source: CAMAG