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Pulveranalyse GbR
Optimization of the stabilization process of aqueous TiO2-pigment dispersions for dip coating applications by means of electrokinetic sonic amplitude
Daniel Moog, Pulveranalyse GbR
The high-quality white pigment titanium dioxide has many applications. Coagulation or agglomeration of a TiO2 dispersion must be avoided at all costs, both in the manufacturing process and in the processing, e.g. by manufacturers of paints and coatings. This applies in particular to highly filled...

Pulveranalyse GbR
Measurement of electrostatic stability of various TiO2 dispersions in laboratory
Daniel Moog, Pulveranalyse GbR
Titanium dioxide can be utilized in various applications such as pigment base in paints, coatings, plastics and laminates. During both, the production process at the TiO2 producer and the manufacturing process of paints, coatings and composite materials, avoiding the coagulation and agglomeration...