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Frost and Sullivan Names Waters Leading Analytical Instrumentation Company of the Year 2005


Waters Corporation announced that Frost and Sullivan, Palo Alto, CA, has named it the 2005 Leading Analytical Instrumentation Company of the Year for its outstanding contribution to the analytical and scientific instrumentation market.

The Award for Company of the Year is presented each year by Frost and Sullivan, a world-class growth consulting and market research firm, to the company that has demonstrated unparalleled excellence within its industry. The Award recognizes Waters' ability to best perceive customer needs, develop products and/or services that meet or exceed customer needs, successfully introduce products and services to the industry, and identify new market segments to expand the existing customer base.

Rohit Khanna, Ph.D., Vice President, Worldwide Marketing for Waters Corporation said, "It is indeed an honor to be chosen by Frost and Sullivan for this prestigious award. Our focus has always been on meeting the ever-changing needs of our customers. Through continuous interaction with key analytical scientists in our industry, we are able to drive a product strategy that provides overall solutions to their needs and, in doing so, our product development efforts allow scientists to achieve quality results in less time and with a comprehensive range of systems, product and services."

"Being the pioneer and leading the HPLC market for several decades, Waters Corporation has maintained its position in the analytical instrumentation industry through a multi-pronged strategy. Aggressive global expansion and vigorous penetration into the informatics segment through the acquisition of NuGenesis and Creon Lab Control, are only some of the factors that put Waters Corporation high on the list of top analytical instrumentation companies", said Kiran Unni, Industry Analyst, Test & Measurement Practice, Frost & Sullivan.

With these acquisitions, Waters added scientific data management and electronic laboratory notebook software to its portfolio of mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography software. Now Waters' information management suite of software products rivals that of any competitor and gives client companies more options for improving their decision-making ability and managing large amounts of scientific data across the enterprise.

Unni added, "The successful market acceptance of UPLC as a clear advancement in LC technology, has catapulted Waters into the limelight during 2004 and it is projected to remain so in 2005".

Waters launched Ultra Performance LC™ or UPLC™ in 2004, a breakthrough new category of liquid chromatography. The company's highly-acclaimed and award-winning ACQUITY UPLC™ System is bringing new levels of resolution, sensitivity, and speed to liquid chromatography analyses and is expected to have a dramatic impact on laboratory productivity.

To select the recipient of this Award, the Frost & Sullivan analyst team tracks all the major participants in the industry, paying close attention to their business development efforts, development of new applications, and market share position in new market segments. This process includes interviews with all the market participants, customers, and suppliers, along with extensive secondary and technology research. The companies' business development efforts are then analyzed based on the number of new customers, new segments, customer loyalty, technological leadership, and commitment to business expansion.

Quelle: Waters Corp.