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ICS-2000 System Wins Pittcon 2003 Gold Award for Best New Product


The ICS-2000, the world's first integrated Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC) system from Dionex Corp., is the winner of the Pittcon 2003 Editors Choice Gold Medal award. The ICS-2000, with innovative RFIC technology, allows chemists to save time, labor, and operating cost while dramatically increasing the power and reproducibility of ion analysis. The integrated system features eluent generation, electrolytic suppression, and CR-TC trap column technologies for automatically producing high purity eluents and all regenerants.

Dionex previously received the Pittcon 1998
Editor's Choice Silver Medal award for the EG40 Eluent Generator, which transforms deionized water into high-purity eluents. Eluent generation technology is now integrated into RFIC, along with the latest suppression technology from Dionex, for an optimal approach to ion analysis. RFIC eliminates errors associated with manual eluent preparation and improves method reproducibility run to run, day to day, week to week, and lab to lab.

Quelle: Dionex Corp.