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Agilent offers free information kit for chemical analysis applications in environmental water analysis


Agilent Technologies Inc. announced the release of a new information kit for water analysis in the environmental testing industry (publication number 5988-5196).

The kit includes valuable information outlining Agilent's long-standing commitment, expertise, knowledge and solutions for laboratories doing environmental analysis, including:

  • a full-color brochure demonstrating how Agilent's chemical analysis expertise and instrumentation can help enhance environmental testing laboratories productivity in all facets of wastewater and drinking water analysis, including volatiles, semivolatiles, pesticides and the analysis of trace metals;
  • application notes relevant to the environmental water analysis industry, including "Analysis of Organophosphate Pesticides by LC/MS," "Analysis of Mercury in Wastewater by ICP-MS," "Volatiles by Purge-and-Trap GC/MS," and many more applications designed to help meet technical, regulatory and business goals; and
  • product literature for Agilent's industry-leading line of GC, GC/MS, LC, LC/MS and ICP-MS instrumentation.


The Water Analysis Information Kit is available free of charge from any Agilent sales office worldwide.

Quelle: Agilent Technologies