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PerkinElmer Life Sciences And NextGen Sciences Announce Corporate Partnership To Launch The Proteinarray Workstation


PerkinElmer, Inc., a leading provider of drug discovery, life science research and genetic disease screening solutions, and NextGen Sciences Ltd. (U.K.), a fast-track platform technology development company specializing in the genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics fields, today announced a corporate partnership agreement resulting in the introduction of the ProteinArray Workstation. This is the first fully automated system for processing protein microarrays. It was developed by NextGen Sciences in collaboration with PerkinElmer Life Sciences using NextGen Sciences derived intellectual property and know-how. Under the terms of this agreement, PerkinElmer Life Sciences will manufacture and have exclusive worldwide distribution rights for the system.

PerkinElmer Life Sciences has established a truly outstanding relationship with NextGen Sciences in the development of the ProteinArray Workstation, said John Engel, president of PerkinElmer Life Sciences and executive vice president, PerkinElmer, Inc. The introduction of this system represents the fulfillment of our strategy that calls for direct response to our customers needs for the most innovative, application-based, high-technology solutions. NextGen Sciences extremely fast-track development capabilities enables us to deliver a system that expands our broad product portfolio of system solutions for protein microarrays, underscoring our commitment of meeting our customers greatest needs in the proteomics arena. The introduction of the ProteinArray Workstation also coincides with the launch of our new series of SpotArray and ScanArray systems, used in the production and analysis of protein microarrays. Combining these systems with the three-dimensional HydroGel microarray substrate and TSA signal amplification chemistries enables PerkinElmer Life Sciences to offer researchers a complete suite of technologies for protein microarray applications.

We are very pleased that the corporate partnership agreement with PerkinElmer Life Sciences has led to the development of the ProteinArray Workstation far quicker than typical in this industry, said Dr. Kevin Auton, chief executive officer, NextGen Sciences. It is a very good example of our business model where we incorporate NextGen Sciences intellectual property into high-technology systems, of which the ProteinArray Workstation is an excellent example. More than 35 man-years have gone into the development and testing of this system, its associated software, and the novel BioTag protein biochip chemistry, which we have also developed. Our partnership with a leading company like PerkinElmer Life Sciences not only validates our vision for this market, but also demonstrates our ability to develop novel intellectual property, proving our capability to deliver a commercial product in a very rapid timeframe.

Quelle: PerkinElmer Instruments