Analytik NEWS
Das Online-Labormagazin

8th International Conference: Food Allergens

Representatives from the industry, the authorities as well as from the medical and scientific fields are presenting the most pressing questions on food allergens at this conference. These include how to deal with clinical aspects and consumer safety, regulatory aspects and scientific matters, as well as industry practice and analytical approaches.


  • Food allergy - clinical aspects
  • Food industry allergen risk assessment approaches
  • Competent authority perspective on risk assessment
  • FAO/WHO initiative on food allergen risk assessment
  • Risk management and communication
  • Monitoring, analytical methods and their suitability

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Quality assurance & control
  • Analysis
  • Legal & regulatory affairs
  • Research & development
  • Diagnosis & therapy

Sectors taking part:

  • Food industry
  • Food retailers
  • Food inspection offices
  • Laboratories
  • Research institutes
  • Authorities
  • Professional associations
  • Medical institutes

» Programmdetails und Anmeldung

Die Akademie Fresenius
03. - 04.12.2024 | Konferenz (Köln)

Die Akademie Fresenius GmbH
Alter Hellweg 46
D-44379 Dortmund

Tel.: +49 231 7589 6-71
Fax: +49 231 7589 6-53

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