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Beckman Coulter Offers E-Learning Courses to Help Laboratorians Build and Maintain Skills


Beckman Coulter, Inc. now offers a full spectrum of accredited training and equipment pre-training modules on its Web site to help laboratories build and maintain staff competencies.

Available at the home page under "Personnel," the courses provide convenient, self-paced training, enabling lab personnel to avoid the time and expense of offsite training.

The online offerings include Lab Training Library*, a collection of courses designed to educate lab technologists about a number of clinical conditions, medical procedures and lab testing protocol. Developed by the University of Washington Department of Lab Medicine, Lab Training Library features more than 14 courses with topics that range from amniotic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid to phlebotomy and urinalysis.

Lab Training Library courses are accredited by the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.**) program. Annual subscription rates are US$400 and CND$580 and include unlimited access.

Beckman Coulter also offers an extensive series of Webinars. Hosted by industry experts, these courses examine the prevalence and impact of clinical conditions, as well as pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Topics include cellular analysis, prostate cancer markers, osteoporosis, diabetes, urine drug testing, therapeutic drug monitoring and hemostasis.

The Webinars are accredited by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. program with continuing education credits offered at US$20 per unit. Individual course viewing is free.

In addition, Beckman Coulter offers equipment pre-training modules, which provide an overview of Beckman Coulter instruments including hardware and software components. Currently, the pre-training modules include presentations on the ACL*** 9000 coagulation analyzer, Access® 2 immunoassay system and SYNCHRON LX®20 clinical chemistry system. After completion of the presentations, the pre-training modules allow users to test their knowledge via the pre-training skills check.

Quelle: Beckman Coulter