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  • Plastic Fantastic: green, strong and edible
    Billions of tons of plastic waste clutter our world. Most of it has accumulated on the ground and in the oceans or disintegrated into tiny particles known as microplastics that pollute the air and ...
  • Catch a Virus by Its Tail
    Phages, viruses that attack bacteria, have a head and a tail. The head contains the phage's genetic material and the tail is used to identify a potential host, that is, a bacterial cell into which ...

  • Building better enzymes - by breaking them down
    Enzymes have the potential to transform the chemical industry by providing green alternatives to a slew of processes. These proteins act as biological catalysts, and with the help of molecular engi...

  • Contact lenses with medicine and sugar
    Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP are working with Israeli and German partners to develop long-wearing contact lenses that can release medicine. The active in...

  • Scientists Discover Chemical Signal in Human Tears
    Emotional crying is a universal, uniquely human behavior. When we cry, we clearly send all sorts of emotional signals. In a paper published online today in Science Express, scientists at the Weizma...