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  • Harmful effects of neonicotinoids on amphibians
    Neonicotinoids not only act as an insecticide, but also disrupt the embryonic development of frogs. This has been documented in several studies by a research team at the Institute of Biochemistry a...

  • Sustainable batteries based on Calcium and Sulfur
    Our society is becoming increasingly electrified - and electrochemical energy storage in the form of batteries is playing a central role in providing the energy we need. At the same time, however, ...
  • New hope for broad spectrum viral entry inhibitors
    A large number of viruses are known to make life difficult for both humans and animals. While broad-spectrum antibiotics can offer protection against a wide variety of bacteria, there are currently...

  • New production method for Graphene
    Graphene, a crystal composed of only one layer of carbon atoms arranged in a regular hexagon, is regarded as a material which is believed to be capable of performing miracles, in particular in the ...