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  • Extracting precious zinc from waste ash
    Incineration of solid waste produces millions of tonnes of waste fly ash in Europe each year, that most commonly ends up in landfill. But this ash often contains significant amounts of precious met...
  • The importance of good neighbours in catalysis
    Are you affected by your neighbours? So are nanoparticles in catalysts. New research from Chalmers, published in the journals Science Advances and Nature Communications, reveals how the nearest nei...
  • Controlling ultrastrong light-matter coupling at room temperature
    Physicists at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, together with colleagues in Russia and Poland, have managed to achieve ultrastrong coupling between light and matter at room temperature. ...

  • Flexible detector for terahertz frequencies
    Terahertz radiation has a wide range of uses and can occur in everything from radio astronomy to medicine. The term refers to the electromagnetic waves whose frequencies range from 100 gigahertz to...