New web platform on nanomaterials released
The JRC released a first version of its web platform on nanomaterials which is mainly based on links to available information. The wide use of nanomaterials in innovative applications and new consumer products, the increasing amount of nanomaterial-related information made available through the internet, and the growing importance of legislation on nanomaterials have triggered requests to facilitate access to relevant information.
Knowledge on nanomaterials is, however, widely scattered on the internet across very different sources and located at several levels. It can be found on websites of international and national organisations, governments, companies, consumer associations, academic institutions, trade unions, interest groups, NGOs, etc. A European Commission Communication on nanomaterials issued in 2012 underlined that a structured access to information on nanomaterials and products containing nanomaterials is essential.
This first release of the web platform is comprised of a significant number of links to internet-based information relevant to nanomaterials, grouped under appropriate headings. It is designed to be a tool for a wide range of users including the general public, and it will be expanded or updated continuously. All interested parties are encouraged to engage with their comments in the process of further developing the platform. The JRC is already working on the next version, which will include information retrieval tools and take into account the feedback on this initial release.
» Web platform on nanomaterials
Source: European Commission, Joint Research Centre