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Online Laboratory Magazine


Romer Labs® introduces rapid and chromatographic analytical methods for melamine


Romer Labs® highlights its expertise in food- and feed safety analysis and proudly introduces new validations for its AgraQuant® Melamine ELISA. The test kit has been proven to be a reliable screening method for melamine in feed and dairy products, including pet food, milk and milk-powder. Furthermore the company launched a straight forward chromatographic method for the analysis of melamine using a MycoSep® 224 for sample purification. The method has been validated for dry and wet petfood commodities, glutens, milk powder, and baby formulas. Romer Labs® full analytical service laboratories in the US, Singapore and Austria offer melamine testing for highly demanding customers on a global scale. These certified laboratories employ cutting edge technology such as LC-MS/MS.

Information on Melamine: Melamine is an organic base with the chemical formula C3H6N6. Most industrial manufacturers use urea to produce the substance. Melamine is used as a raw material for a series of products, including glues, colorants, housewares and because of its high nitrogen content, fertilizers. The use of melamine in food production is banned in most countries. Melamine by itself is nontoxic in low doses, but when combined with cyanuric acid it can cause fatal kidney stones.

Source: Romer Labs®