Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


Vialis announces partnership with Arlenda Laboratory Solutions


Vialis announces a new partnership with Arlenda Laboratory Solutions. Arlenda develops, validates and commercializes an integrated suite of statistical solutions dedicated to the life cycle of analytical methods, from the optimisation to routine analysis while being compliant with regulatory requirements. Arlenda provides decision tools for the validation and the transfer of analytical methods.

Arlenda's expertise is covering the following fields of activity:

  • Validated solutions using SAS for the validation of analytical methods.
  • Specific developments of SAS applications, and their validation.
  • Trainings in validation and statistics.

With this extension of its portfolio Vialis is able to include and integrate the important area of analytical method validation in its Paperless Lab Solutions and thus help its customers to become even more productive.

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Quelle: Vialis AG