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Head of Development at Analytik Jena receives award for services to science


Dr Gerhard Schlemmer was awarded the 2007 Jerzy Fijalkowski prize at the international spectroscopist meeting held in Ustron (Poland). The prize was awarded by the Polish Spectroscopic Society (PAN) which is part of the Polish Analytical Society, similar to the German Research Group for Spectroscopy (DASp).

Its members organise a scientific meeting every two years at which the prize is awarded for outstanding services to science in the field of spectroscopy. The prize is awarded on each occasion to both a Polish scientist and a scientist outside Poland.

Dr Schlemmer was the foreign scientist receiving the award in recognition of his years of work devoted to the development of atom spectrometry (AAS) and in particular graphite furnace technology. At the same time, the group thus recognised his contribution to imparting knowledge to the colleagues and students of the former East European countries, with particular mention of his involvement in the founding of the series of EFS European Furnace Symposium conferences (formerly EEFS, in future to be known as ESAS), involving the holding of six meetings in different countries and the organisation of three CANAS meetings.

The prize awarded bears the name of Dr Jerzy Fijalkowski, who reformed the society after the Second World War, and who was particularly deserving of recognition for building up the reputation of spectroscopy and environmental analysis in Poland. Fijalkowski was Professor of Analytics at the University of Warsaw. Amongst many other meetings, he also organised a CANAS in Torun (Poland) and provided the scientific leadership for the latter.

The prize was also awarded to the Polish scientist Professor Adam Hulanicki in recognition of his life's work in spectroscopy. Mr Hulanicki is Professor Emeritus at the University of Warsaw. He too held a chair in analytical chemistry. Professor Hulanicki represents the Polish scientific community on numerous international bodies, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

Source: Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG