Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine

All advertising options for seminars, webinars, trade fairs, conferences and roadshows

An entry in the event calendar includes title, date, location, contact details, contact form, a brief description of the content, the company logo and optionally a link to your website with further information. In the event overview, a full text search can be used to search for providers, topics and content. Premium organizers with more than 10 entries can be selected directly via a selection box.

In addition, a link in the Analytik NEWSFLASH, a permanent link on the start page or an entry on the German-language website is available. All entries are also published on Facebook .

You can achieve even more attention with a text or graphic advertisement in our weekly newsletter (only available in German).

With more than 1,500 entries per year from numerous providers, our calendar is the most comprehensive specifically for the laboratory industry. Entries from universities and non-profit research institutions are free of charge, all others are subject to a fee.

The easiest way is to enter the required data in our online form (only available in German), we will do the rest for you. Alternatively, you can simply send us the required data by e-mail (in Word, Excel, OpenOffice or text format).

Prices for event notes

Entry with logo in the Event calendar incl. 1 link in Analytik NEWSFLASH
or permanent link on the start page
(duration 4 weeks)+
100 €*
Entry in the Event calendar without newsletter link+ (minimum: 5 entries)10 €*

Further options:
· Permanent link on the start page (duration 4 weeks)100 €*
· Link in Analytik NEWSFLASH80 €*
· Link in Analytik NEWSFLASH (Surcharge for 1st position in the list)50 €*
· Listing in the "Organizer" selection box in the calendar (duration 4 weeks)+50 €*
· Advertisement in Analytik JOBFLASH or NEWSFLASH (see advertising in newsletters)from 150 €*

+Price per appointment. On request with access statistics after the end of the event.
Free listing in the selection box of the search mask from 10 entries per year.
*All offers are directed exclusively to commercial customers.
All prices are exclusive of the statutory value added tax. Our general terms and conditions apply.

More information on Analytik NEWS and advertising opportunities can also be found directly in our current media data (only available in German).

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you!