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  • New deep-sea enzyme breaks down PET plastic
    Plastic pollution is increasingly affecting the health of coasts and oceans. One well-known problem is plastic bottles made from polyethylene terephthalate, or PET. A new study involving scientists...
  • windCORES: new infrastructure with data centres in wind farms
    High-performance computing, or HPC, has become a key method in many scientific areas, including pharmaceutical and climate research. However, data centres with energy-intensive supercomputers produ...
  • More visibility for innivative women in science
    Shedding more light on the innovative work of women and their achievements in the scholarly context is the focus of a research project led by Prof. Dr Christiane Schwieren. A researcher at the Alfr...

  • Detecting food fraud - thanks to light quanta
    When shopping in the supermarket, consumers must be able to rely on the food label. But is it always correct? In the joint project QSPEC, the LZH and its partners want to develop a new analysis met...
  • Sustainable batteries based on Calcium and Sulfur
    Our society is becoming increasingly electrified - and electrochemical energy storage in the form of batteries is playing a central role in providing the energy we need. At the same time, however, ...
  • Exploring technetium in the environment
    With a half-life of about 210.000 years, the radioactive isotope technetium-99 (99Tc), which is produced in nuclear reactors by fission of the uranium isotope 235U, plays a central role in the ques...
  • Safe and efficient transport of Hydrogen: energy in Iron and its Oxides
    Transporting green-generated energy in form of iron: That is the vision of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and coordinated by the University of Duisburg-Es...
  • New research network for RNA-based drugs
    The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will fund a so-called future cluster for research and development into RNA-based therapeutics. The network is led by researchers from th...

  • Just how virtual can research be?
    Even at the best of times, it can be difficult coordinating joint projects and research, especially if partners are spread across different countries - or unable to travel because of a major intern...

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