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  • Observing individual atomic collisions during diffusion
    In the world of research, diffusion is understood as a process in which tiny particles uniformly disperse throughout a gas or liquid. Although these media are made up of individual particles, diffu...
  • Is it possible to reduce resistance to chemotherapy?
    Glioblastomas (GBMs) are considered to be the most malignant and dangerous form of brain tumours. The primary form of treatment of these is chemotherapy, which is at least capable of extending life...
  • How molecules are arranged on surfaces
    Individual pieces of a jigsaw puzzle joined together as if moved by magic - that is what FAU materials researchers imagine when they apply molecules to surfaces to produce materials for new technol...
  • Mechanism behind granular capillary effect
    The origin of the granular capillary effect - the rise of sand or other granules in a tube - was a long-standing mystery. Only recently did an international team of physicists succeed in unveiling ...
  • How butterflies form their iridescent wing scales
    It has only been one year since the material scientists around Prof. Erdmann Spiecker from the Centre for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM) at FAU were granted funding for one of the wor...
  • Molecular Lego for nanoelectronics
    The ability to assemble electronic building blocks consisting of individual molecules is an important objective in nanotechnology. An interdisciplinary research group at FAU is now significantly cl...
  • Chemically tailored Graphene
    Graphene is considered as one of the most promising new materials. However, the systematic insertion of chemically bound atoms and molecules to control its properties is still a major challenge. No...
  • Method for DNA programmed material synthesis
    For the first time, FAU engineers have succeeded in producing complex crystal lattices, so-called clathrates, from nanoparticles using DNA strands. The programmed synthesis of clathrates represents...
  • Exhaust fumes as a resource
    Chemists at FAU have developed a process in which nitrogen oxides generated during industrial processes can be used in the manufacture of colourants and medicines. Using the method, businesses will...
  • Deep look into protein structure
    Light microscopy continues to reveal the microscopic world at an ever increasing resolution. Using a new method coined COLD, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlan...
  • Why snow collapses suddenly under pressure
    Materials scientists at FAU have demonstrated for the first time in an experiment that collapsing connections between ice crystals are responsible for snow giving way suddenly - and repeatedly - un...

  • Strengthening nanotechnology for Europe
    Nanotechnology is a 21st century technology. It allows products of just a few nanometres in size to be produced in any shape desired: for microprocessors, for electronic circuits in computers and i...
  • Computer simulations provide insight into the function of proteins
    Cholesterol can bind important molecules into pairs, enabling human cells to react to external signals. Researchers at FAU's Chair of Biotechnology have studied these processes in more detail using...
  • Physicists observe diffusion of individual atoms in light baths
    A combination of experiments and theory has enabled physicists to understand the diffusion of individual atoms in periodic systems for the first time. The interactions of individual atoms with ligh...
  • Low-cost and defect-free graphene
    Graphene is one of the most promising new materials. However, researchers across the globe are still looking for a way to produce defect-free graphene at low costs. Chemists at FAU have now succeed...
  • Physicists enable one-dimensional atom chains to grow
    Physicists at FAU and the Vienna University of Technology have successfully created one-dimensional magnetic atom chains for the first time. Their break-through provides a model system for basic re...
  • Lotus effect for organic liquids
    Materials scientists at FAU have developed a process that allows self-cleaning properties to be applied to ceramic surfaces that also work for organic liquids such as oils and alcohol. We are a...
  • Uranium-mediated electrocatalytic dihydrogen production from water
    Chemists at FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg have found a new use for depleted uranium, the waste product of nuclear energy which has been accumulating over decades: they have developed a uranium-based cataly...
  • Researchers uncover how arsenic gets into the grain
    Rice is a key food source in many parts of the world. However, it is not uncommon for it to contain arsenic. Biologists at FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg have now found an approach that could help to reduce...
  • How nanoparticles give electrons away
    Whether it is in catalytic processes in the chemical industry, environmental catalysis, new types of solar cells or new electronic components, nanoparticles are everywhere in modern production and ...

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