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  • Grasping exponential growth
    Most people underestimate exponential growth, including when it comes to the spread of the coronavirus. The ability to grasp the magnitude of exponential growth depends on the way in which it is co...
  • Magnetic bacteria as micropumps
    ETH scientists use magnetic bacteria to control liquids at the micro level. They are already thinking about using them in the human bloodstream for precision delivery of cancer drugs to a tumour. ...
  • Which factors trigger leaf die-off in autumn?
    Researchers at ETH Zurich have identified a self-regulating mechanism in European deciduous trees that limits their growing-season length: Trees that photosynthesise more in spring and summer lose ...
  • Molecular Telegraphy: precisely sending and receiving single molecules
    The idea of throwing and catching a ball is familiar to everyone. Now, if the ball is replaced with something as tiny as a single molecule, is this task still possible? Can a single molecule be tra...
  • Filtering radioactive elements from water
    Some time ago, ETH researchers developed a filter membrane made out of whey proteins and activated carbon. In a new study, they now demonstrate just how efficient this membrane is at filtering radi...
  • What comes after the lithium-ion battery?
    The demand for batteries to store renewable energy will grow drastically in the coming years. Could we develop more sustainable technologies to save precious natural resources, besides the familiar...
  • Growing polymers with different lengths
    ETH researchers have developed a new method for producing polymers with different lengths. This paves the way for new classes of polymer materials to be used in previously inconceivable application...
  • Lighting the path for cells
    ETH researchers have developed a new method in which they use light to draw patterns of molecules that guide living cells. The approach allows for a closer look at the development of multicellular ...
  • New biosensor for COVID-19 virus
    A team of researchers from Empa, ETH Zurich and Zurich University Hospital has succeeded in developing a novel sensor for detecting the new coronavirus. In future it could be used to measure the co...
  • How the chemical industry can meet the climate goals
    ETH researchers analysed various possibilities for reducing the net CO2 emissions of the chemical industry to zero. Their conclusion? The chemical industry can in fact have a carbon-neutral future....
  • Printing complex cellulose-based objects
    Researchers from ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) have set a new world record: they 3D printed complex objects with higher cellulose content...
  • New process for creating nano materials - one step closer to mass production
    A new process developed at Caltech makes it possible for the first time to manufacture large quantities of materials whose structure is designed at a nanometer scale - the size of DNA's double heli...
  • Determining the molecular structures of proteins using cryo-electron microscopy
    Researchers have used cryo-electron microscopy to elucidate for the first time the structure and function of a very small enzyme embedded in cell membranes. This enzyme builds complex sugar trees t...
  • A fast light detector made of two-dimensional materials
    Two research groups at ETH Zurich have joined forces to develop a novel light detector. It consists of two-dimensional layers of different materials that are coupled to a silicon optical waveguide....

  • Glass from a 3D printer
    ETH researchers used a 3D printing process to produce complex and highly porous glass objects. The basis for this is a special resin that can be cured with UV light. Producing glass objects using 3...
  • Monitoring the corrosion of bioresorbable magnesium
    ETH researchers have recently been able to monitor the corrosion of bioresorbable magnesium alloys at the nanoscale over a time scale of a few seconds to many hours. This is an important step towar...
  • A battery with a twist
    Markus Niederberger's team of researchers at ETH has used stretchable materials to develop a battery that can be bent, stretched and twisted. For applications in bendable electronic devices, this i...
  • Measuring ethanol's deadly twin
    ETH researchers have developed an inexpensive, handheld measuring device that can distinguish between methanol and potable alcohol. It offers a simple, quick method of detecting adulterated or cont...
  • Resistance can spread even without the use of antibiotics
    Antibiotic resistance does not spread only where and when antibiotics are used in large quantities, ETH researchers conclude from laboratory experiments. Reducing antibiotic use alone is therefore ...
  • Revolutionising the CRISPR method
    Researchers at ETH Zurich have refined the famous CRISPR-Cas method. Now, for the very first time, it is possible to modify dozens, if not hundreds, of genes in a cell simultaneously. Everyone's...
  • A catalyst for sustainable methanol
    The global economy still relies on the fossil carbon sources of petroleum, natural gas and coal, not just to produce fuel, but also as a raw material used by the chemical industry to manufacture pl...
  • Rössler Prize for work on bright nanoparticles
    A brilliant blue, a luminous green, a deep red - the range of colours Maksym Kovalenko presents in an array of test tubes in his lab is fascinating. But what is fascinating about the colours isn't ...
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