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  • Artificial intelligence helps to find new natural substances
    Bioinformatics team at Friedrich Schiller University Jena develops method that enables fast and confident identification of previously unknown small moleculesMore than a third of all medicines avai...
  • Producing hydrogen using less energy
    The way in which a compound inspired by nature produces hydrogen has now been described in detail for the first time by an international research team from the University of Jena and the University...

  • Novel glass materials made from organic and inorganic components
    Linkages between organic and inorganic materials are a common phenomenon in nature, e.g., in the construction of bones and skeletal structures. They often enable combinations of properties that cou...
  • Dust particles in space are mixed with ice
    The matter between the stars in a galaxy - called the interstellar medium - consists not only of gas, but also of a great deal of dust. At some point in time, stars and planets originated in such a...
  • Controlling cells with light
    Photopharmacology investigates the use of light to switch the effect of drugs on and off. Now, for the first time, scientific teams from Jena, Munich, and New York have succeeded in using this meth...

  • Raman Spectroscopy: Research on the tip
    Microscopes let us peer into cells and the biochemical processes inside them. Processes taking place on much smaller scales, e.g. within single molecules, are the research focus of Dr. Marie Richar...

  • Frankincense as a Medicine
    It was one of the gifts of the Magi - in addition to myrrh and gold they offered frankincense to the newly born baby Jesus. Since the ancient world the aromatic fragrance of burning Boswellia resin...
  • How many cells can our Blood tolerate?
    When people say "Blood is thicker than water," they are literally right. Because nearly half of the 'life liquid' consists of solid components. The red blood cells form the greatest part of it - al...
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