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  • Producing fertiliser without carbon emissions
    Researchers at ETH Zurich and the Carnegie Institution for Science have shown how nitrogen fertiliser could be produced more sustainably. This is necessary not only to protect the climate, but also...
  • Fossil-free chemicals
    The carbon used in today's materials is almost exclusively made from gas, oil, or coal. ETH spin-off and chemical engineering start-up, Biosimo, has developed a sustainable bio-based alternative to...
  • A chip to replace animal testing
    Empa researchers are developing a medical chip in collaboration with the ETH Zurich and the Cantonal Hospital of St.Gallen that will allow statements to be made about the effect of substances on ba...
  • New reaction facilitates drug discovery
    Chemists at ETH Zurich have found a facile method that allows a commonly used building block to be directly converted into other types of important compounds. This expands the possibilities of chem...
  • Building chemical sensors to combat climate crisis
    The therapy our ailing planet needs is a major change in energy and agricultural practices, and improved monitoring. Mate Bezdek, formerly a researcher at MIT and now an assistant professor at the ...
  • The mysteries of cosmic dust
    Researchers of the ETH Zurich and the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS have closely analysed the characteristics of cosmic dust based on laboratory experiments and measureme...
  • Almost all chemicals burden the planet
    For the first time, researchers at ETH Zurich have calculated in absolute figures the extent to which the production of chemicals is currently interfering with nature worldwide - and the results ar...
  • AI offers a faster way to predict antibiotic resistance
    Computer algorithms can determine antimicrobial resistance of pathogens faster than previous methods. This is the result of a study by researchers at the University of Basel, the University Hospita...

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