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Accurate determination of selected pesticides in soya beans by liquid chromatography


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) developed and in-house validated a precise method for the determination of 10 selected pesticides in soy beans. The method is very precise and therefore suitable for the assessment of homogeneity of a certified reference material that is currently in production. This work supports the EU coordinated multiannual control programme to ensure compliance with legislative maximum residue levels of pesticides that are regulated through EC/396/2005.

The JRC-Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (JRC-IRMM) is currently preparing a certified reference material (CRM) to be used as quality assurance tool by official food control laboratories. This CRM contains 10 selected pesticides in soy beans and can be used not only for the monitoring of pesticides in soya but also other fatty products.

A precise and accurate analytical method is the prerequisite to assess the homogeneity of a CRM. Therefore the JRC-IRMM, in close collaboration with the European Union Reference Laboratory on Pesticides (Almeira, Spain), developed and validated a method based on isotope dilution mass spectrometry that demonstrated to have excellent recovery values and precision.

This method together with the upcoming CRM will help EU Member States to obtain reliable analytical results as they need to regularly check through the EU pesticides multiannual control programme the presence of pesticides in agricultural products.

» Original publication

Source: European Commission, Joint Research Centre