Different mass spectrometers - one (open source) software solution
The release of the new version 0.8.0 "Dempster" of the open source software OpenChrom offers numerous new features for the users. Next to the native import of further data formats a support for quantification of components is introduced which will be extended in future releases. Additionally, an improved visualization of tandem mass spectrometric data has been implemented. Another new feature to mention is the ability to locally subtract user-defined background or adjacent signals to improve component identification. By means of plug ins the functionality of the software platform can be increased further which may include additional data processing filters, connectors to other software solutions or reports tailored for the user. These supplements can be contributed by users or provided by the OpenChrom developers.
The commercially available plug ins ChromIdent®, MultiScanIdent® and PeakIdent® allow setting up user-specific databases to facilitate identification and comparison of samples and components. Worth to highlight is the plug in ChromIdent®: databases for complete chromatographic fingerprints can be established and e.g. utilized to elucidate the composition of unknown complex mixtures or the similarities between samples. This may be of interest to analysts of the fragrant, flavor or polymer industry and could aid quality control. The plug in MultiScanIdent may be particularly useful to categorize samples measured with direct-insertion mass spectrometry.
With OpenChrom we aim to procede towards the limits of what is technically possible. For the next releases many more features are on the agenda including peak deconvolution, support of further detectors (FID, DAD, etc.) and refinement of the MS/MS functionalities.
» Download OpenChrom 0.8.0 "Dempster"
Source: OpenChrom Dr. Philipp Wenig