Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


New model predicts whether chemicals accumulate in our bodies


When assessing the safety of chemical substances, knowledge on absorption, distribution (including the bioaccumulative potential), metabolism and excretion is essential. A lot of this information can be generated through in vitro and in silico test methods at tissue, cell or sub-cellular level. This information can be used as input parameters for physiologically-based toxicokinetic modelling (PBTK). Such computer modelling can help reducing the numbers of animal experiments by better targeting critical parameters. It has the potential to contribute to the replacement of animal tests in future. JRC scientists from the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) have developed such an integrated predictive tool to assess the human bioaccumulative potential and tested it using 94 chemical compounds covering pharmaceuticals, biocides and industrial chemicals. Being able to predict whether substances accumulate in the body is important for the protection of human health and the environment as such substances need to be treated with particular care.

Source: European Commission, Joint Research Centre