Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


BIOCRATES just launched full set of reagents for MS-based Steroid Analysis


Austrian BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG has just brought to market a full range of reagents for the mass spectrometry (MS)-based analysis of steroid hormones. The four new products - AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid Calibrators, AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid Quality Controls, AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid Internal Standards, and the AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid Testmix - enable the LC-MS/MS-based simultaneous quantification of up to 17 steroids from human serum, marking another step forward in an area where the company has repeatedly shown its expertise. LC-MS/MS meets the most stringent quality control criteria for routine diagnostics, ensuring a high level of sensitivity, selectivity, accuracy and precision.

"We have long been waiting for this", said PD Dr Manfred Rauh, Head of Laboratory at Erlangen University Children's Hospital. "The reagents are an important step towards standardizing MS-based procedures and a prerequisite for their broad use in daily laboratory practice. Commercially available calibrators and controls help minimize our internal efforts at producing and monitoring the required reference sera." Thanks to the new range of products, MS-based steroid hormone analysis has now become fully customizable, providing researchers with the freedom to decide which of the 17 analytes they wish to target.

Source: BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG