Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


Collaboration between Excillum, Bruker AXS, and Incoatec


Almost exactly two years have passed since Incoatec started cooperating with the company Excillum, Stockholm. Excillum develops and produces extreme brightness microfocus X-ray sources for a wide variety of applications according to a unique metal-jet-anode concept. As a result of this collaboration, extremely high X-ray intensities have been achieved with a combination of Excillum's source and Incoatec's Montel multilayer optics, at a divergence useful for single-crystal diffraction. This is a multiple of intensity that can be obtained using the best state-of-the-art rotating anode generator with comparable multilayer optics.

We are happy to announce that this fruitful collaboration has led to a broader, exclusive collaboration between Excillum and Bruker AXS with the aim of developing and marketing Excillum's unique new metaljet X-ray source for X-ray diffraction applications.

Source: incoatec GmbH