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Reference material for acrylamide analysis available


In 2002 high levels of acrylamide in starch-rich foods processed at high temperature were detected. Since acrylamide has been classified as a potentially carcinogenic compound by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the findings triggered concern about the safety of heat-treated foods. Competent authorities worldwide emphasised the need for reliable measurement results.

Comparability of results can be improved by using certified reference materials to ensure their accuracy and traceability. The ERM® initiative has responded to the needs of the scientific community, food safety organisations and food producers, by developing a series of dedicated certified reference materials for the quality control of acrylamide analysis. The material developed by IRMM, ERM-BD273, contains acrylamide in a toasted bread matrix. The processed powder has a particle size smaller than 500 µm, and is stored in amber glass bottles containing 30 g of toasted bread at a temperature of -20 ºC to guarantee homogeneity and stability. The certified value, an acrylamide mass fraction of 425 ± 29 ng/g of toasted bread, was obtained by way of interlaboratory comparison. The preparation and certification of ERM-BD273 is described in detail in the certification report. The materials have been processed and certified according to the ISO Guides 34 and 35.

ERM-BD273 can now be obtained from IRMM and its authorised distributors.

Source: Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)