Analytik NEWS
Das Online-Labormagazin

Thema: Re: Re: Quantifizierung von underivatisierten Aminosäuren mittels LC-MS

Autor(in): Hedwig Schlichtherle-Cerny am 08. Januar 2003 um 11:09:28

Antwort auf: Re: Quantifizierung von underivatisierten Aminosäuren mittels LC-MS eingetragen von Einar Pontén am 06. Januar 2003 um 17:11:28

I also recommend HILIC using the TSKgel Amide-80 column from Tosoh Biosep (
LC-MS analysis worked very well with hydrophilic peptides and also free amino acids or glycoconjugates of amino acids and sugars using an ammonium acetate based buffer system.

If you need further information on our method, please contact me; I could send you a poster in pdf format