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  • Laser measurements show: Pollen influences optical properties of the atmosphere
    Pollen reflects more sunlight than previously known, and makes up to one third of the total amount of aerosol particles in the atmosphere. Aerosol particles influence optical depth which provides a...
  • Biodegradable or not? New classifications of pesticides developed
    In order to improve the evaluation process for the long-term consequences of pesticides, scientists have developed a new detection method and a model that can enable determinations regarding whethe...
  • Bacteria grow faster if they feed each other
    The division of labor is more efficient than a struggle through life without help from others - this is also true for microorganisms. Researchers from Research Group Experimental Ecology and Evolut...
  • Pushing the limits of Light Microscopy
    A team of researchers from the IMP Vienna together with collaborators from the Vienna University of Technology established a new microscopy technique which greatly enhances resolution in the third ...
  • Imaging the absolute configuration of a chiral compound for the first time
    In a complex experiment, Heidelberg researchers have succeeded for the first time in determining the absolute configuration of a chiral compound by means of direct imaging. They were able to conclu...
  • Researchers discover ferroelectric liquid crystal
    Although certain liquid crystals mainly comprise water, a spontaneous alignment of electrical dipoles could incur in them and consequently a spontaneous electrical polarisation could occur macrosco...
  • Anton Paar acquires CSM Instruments
    On November 15, 2013, the purchase contract between Anton Paar GmbH and CSM Instruments SA was signed. CSM Instruments SA will continue under the name "CSM Instruments SA | A company of Anton Paar"...
  • Tin for faster chips
    Intensive research is being conducted worldwide on a material that promises a revolution in data processing. For the first time ever, physicists have now produced this from a very simple substance....
  • Portable lab analysis - mini spectrometer integrated into your mobile phone
    Researchers at the Technische Universität Dresden and the Fraunhofer FEP are developing a novel type of an ultra-tiny spectrometer that fits into your mobile phone. The novelty here are metallic na...
  • New Methods to Trace Fragrance Allergens
    A recent doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg presents new methods to trace allergenic fragrance compounds in consumer products, such as perfumes. Since cosmetics and hygiene produc...
  • Watching the heart beat of molecules
    MPQ-scientists achieve rapid identification of complex molecules by applying coherent Raman spectroscopy with two laser frequency combs. A team of scientists around Prof. Theodor W. Hänsch and D...
  • Nanoscaled Tip Writes Artificial Cell Membranes
    Researchers around Dr. Michael Hirtz from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Dr. Aravind Vijayaraghavan from the University of Manchester have developed a new method to produce artificial membra...
  • New production method for Graphene
    Graphene, a crystal composed of only one layer of carbon atoms arranged in a regular hexagon, is regarded as a material which is believed to be capable of performing miracles, in particular in the ...
  • Chemistry with sorted Molecules
    To gain complete control over chemical reactions is one of the main goals of chemists around the world. For the first time, scientists at the University of Basel and the Center of Free-Electron Las...
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