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  • New strategy produces stronger polymers
    Plastic, rubber, and many other useful materials are made of polymers - long chains arranged in a cross-linked network. At the molecular level, these polymer networks contain structural flaws that ...
  • Predicting the movement and impacts of microplastic pollution
    Marine circulation and weather conditions greatly affect microplastic aggregation and movement. Microplastics, which are particles measuring less than 5 mm, are of increasing concern. They not only...
  • Triggering artificial photosynthesis to clean air
    A UCF's chemistry professor has just found a way to trigger the process of photosynthesis in a synthetic material, turning greenhouse gases into clean air and producing energy all at the same time....
  • Chip-based nanoscopy: Microscopy in HD quality
    Physicists at Bielefeld University and tThe Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø have developed a photonic chip that makes it possible to carry out superresolution light microscopy, also called 'n...
  • Can the behavior of nanoparticles be predicted?
    The way that nanoparticles behave in the environment is extremely complex. There is currently a lack of systematic experimental data to help understand them comprehensively, as ETH environmental sc...
  • Discovering of the first three-dimensional quantum liquid crystal
    Physicists at the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter at Caltech have discovered the first three-dimensional quantum liquid crystal-a new state of matter that may have applications in ultr...
  • Nuclease-resistant hybrid nanoflowers
    An eco-friendly method to synthesize DNA-copper nanoflowers with high load efficiencies, low cytotoxicity, and strong resistance against nucleases has been developed by Professor Hyun Gyu Park in t...
  • Atomic structure reveals how cells translate environmental signals
    In all living cells, chemical signals are harnessed for intracellular communication. The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) is one such signal that binds to the IP3 receptor (IP3R) to release calci...
  • Monitor and remove pharmaceuticals from water
    The research involves the detection and removal of pharmaceuticals in or from water, as contamination from pharmaceuticals can enter the aquatic environment as a result of their use for the treatme...
  • Structure of key system for TB infection revealed
    The Wilmanns group at EMBL together with scientists from across Europe reveal the overall architecture of an assembly of proteins known as Type VII secretion systems found in a group of bacteria wh...
  • Novel catalyst to convert carbon dioxide invented
    Researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) have invented a new catalyst that can efficiently convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide. This soon-to-be patented invention enables the sustai...
  • New treatment for antibiotic resistant bacteria and infectious disease
    Researchers from Newcastle University and the University of Birmingham have found a treatment for patients with bronchiectasis who suffer the chronic bacterial infection, pseudomonas aeruginosa. Th...
  • Nanopowders for the synthesis of new aluminum alloys
    The research team of Siberian Federal University together with the scientists of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the SB RAS has developed a method for the synthesis of aluminum alloys, the use...
  • Reliable molecular toggle switch developed
    Nanotechnology constantly allows for new records in miniaturization. Reduction of the dimension of electronic components, however, has physical limits that will be reached soon. Novel materials and...
  • Tracking perfluorinated chemicals in the body
    They are the chemicals that made consumers think twice about using nonstick cookware. New research shows scientists have developed a method to track perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in the bo...
  • Increasing stability of protein with gold nanoparticles
    JRC scientists - in close collaboration with researchers from the University of Lyon and Diamond Light Source (Synchtron Radiation Faclity, UK) - have demonstrated that gold nanoparticles significa...
  • Rare Earths become water-repellent only as they age
    Surfaces that have been coated with rare earth oxides develop water-repelling properties only after contact with air. Even at room temperature, chemical reactions begin with hydrocarbons in the air...
  • Chemical reactions 'filmed' at the single-molecule level
    Scientists have succeeded in 'filming' inter-molecular chemical reactions - using the electron beam of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) as a stop-frame imaging tool. They have also discover...
  • Method for DNA programmed material synthesis
    For the first time, FAU engineers have succeeded in producing complex crystal lattices, so-called clathrates, from nanoparticles using DNA strands. The programmed synthesis of clathrates represents...
  • First natural van der Waals heterostructure exfoliated
    Scientists at The University of Manchester have 're-discovered' a material, which could make the construction of 2D van der Waals heterostructures easier to build. Graphene was the world's first tw...
  • Single molecule switch
    The progressing miniaturisation of electronic components will reach a fundamental barrier at the dimension of single atoms. For this reason researchers in the field of molecular electronics aim at ...
  • New biosensors to detect drugs in water more quickly
    Biologists from the University of Tübingen are part of an interdisciplinary team which has developed novel biosensors that enable pharmaceutical products to be detected more effectively in water. T...
  • Molecular 'leaf' that collects and stores solar power without solar panels
    An international team of scientists led by Liang-shi Li at Indiana University has achieved a new milestone in the quest to recycle carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere into carbon-neutral fuels...
  • Exhaust fumes as a resource
    Chemists at FAU have developed a process in which nitrogen oxides generated during industrial processes can be used in the manufacture of colourants and medicines. Using the method, businesses will...
  • Enhancing carbon-13NMR signals in liquids
    Limitations in sensitivity often complicate the analysis of complex (bio)molecules by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Now, a research team headed by Marina Bennati at the Max Planck ...
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