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  • Launch of new renewable solvents EU projekt
    ReSolve, a €4.3 million EU project focused on replacing traditional, fossil-based solvents, officially launched on June 15th. Led by the University of York, the project consortium is comprised of 1...
  • Is it possible to reduce resistance to chemotherapy?
    Glioblastomas (GBMs) are considered to be the most malignant and dangerous form of brain tumours. The primary form of treatment of these is chemotherapy, which is at least capable of extending life...
  • Trailblazer in the field of glyco sciences: 2017 Stifterverband Science Prize
    Sugar offers sweet prospects for the future - even in unexpected areas, such as medicine. Synthetic sugars, for example, are components of novel vaccines against infectious diseases such as multire...
  • Copper hydroxide nanoparticles provide protection against toxic oxygen radicals in cigarette smoke
    Chemists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have developed a technique that reduces the toxic effects of commercially available cigarettes. In spite of the fact that the World Health Orga...
  • Breaking Newton's Law
    In the quantum world, our intuition for moving objects is strongly challenged and may sometimes even completely fail. Experimental physicists of the University of Innsbruck in collaboration with th...
  • Closing in on the secret of possible new enzymes
    Researchers at Heidelberg University have gained new knowledge on the possible biological function of patellamides. In laboratory experiments, they were able to demonstrate that this natural produc...
  • How molecules are arranged on surfaces
    Individual pieces of a jigsaw puzzle joined together as if moved by magic - that is what FAU materials researchers imagine when they apply molecules to surfaces to produce materials for new technol...
  • Developing a data coordination platform for the Human Cell Atlas
    The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has announced financial support for the Human Cell Atlas, which is using sequencing technology to redefine every cell in the body. Funding and engineering suppo...
  • Mechanism behind granular capillary effect
    The origin of the granular capillary effect - the rise of sand or other granules in a tube - was a long-standing mystery. Only recently did an international team of physicists succeed in unveiling ...
  • Microchip for ultrafast separation and purification of DNA fragments
    The new chip is capable of fractionating DNA fragments within just a few minutes, while conventional approaches take hours. The chip does this in high resolution and also purifies the fragments; it...
  • Realizing molecular robots that work in vivo
    A group of Associate Professor Ryuji Kawano of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Division of Biotechnology and Life Science, Institute of Engineering, and Associate Professor Masahiro...
  • A way out of the chromium ban
    To prevent components from becoming corroded or worn, they are often coated using hexavalent chromium. Starting in September of 2017, though, this will only be permitted with exceptions. The extrem...
  • How butterflies form their iridescent wing scales
    It has only been one year since the material scientists around Prof. Erdmann Spiecker from the Centre for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM) at FAU were granted funding for one of the wor...
  • Molecular Lego for nanoelectronics
    The ability to assemble electronic building blocks consisting of individual molecules is an important objective in nanotechnology. An interdisciplinary research group at FAU is now significantly cl...
  • How enzymes communicate
    The enzymes nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS1) and protein kinase C (PKC) play an important role in a variety of signal transfer processes in neurons of the brain, as well as in many cell types of o...
  • Neutrons are supporting the fight against chronic diseases
    Health is a leading area in which the impact of neutron science and technology has high visibility, as neutrons provide a very effective analytical tool for investigating the properties of matter a...
  • Chemically tailored Graphene
    Graphene is considered as one of the most promising new materials. However, the systematic insertion of chemically bound atoms and molecules to control its properties is still a major challenge. No...
  • Hydrogen bonds directly detected for the first time
    For the first time, scientists have succeeded in studying the strength of hydrogen bonds in a single molecule using an atomic force microscope. Hydrogen is the most common element in the univer...
  • Precision measurement on heavy ions contradicts theory
    For the first time, a team of researchers under the leadership of TU Darmstadt and with the participation of scientists from the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) has succeeded in measuri...
  • Electrochemical method to remove micropollutants from water
    When it comes to removing very dilute concentrations of pollutants from water, existing separation methods tend to be energy- and chemical-intensive. Now, a new method developed at MIT could provid...
  • A new tool to decipher evolutionary biology
    A new bioinformatics tool to compare genome data has been developed by teams from the Max F. Perutz Laboratories, a joint venture of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna, t...
  • Electric impulses clean Industrial water and paints
    Most paints for households or industry are based on water and, hence, are environmentally more compatible than paints based on solvents. Water-based paints, however, have one drawback: Microorganis...
  • Sodium and magnesium to replace lithium in batteries
    Empa scientists supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) have produced novel electrolytes for rechargeable sodium and magnesium batteries. The research group's objective was to dev...
  • Trade-off between reducing air pollution, but increasing greenhouse gas emissions
    Severe air pollution has plagued China's industrial regions in recent decades, a situation that has received worldwide attention thanks to photos of Beijing and other smog-blanketed Chinese cities....
  • Rapid test for the surface of stainless steel
    Whether it is a car, a skyscraper or a bridge: stainless steel is used almost everywhere in our daily life. Its corrosion resistance is important so that no safety risk arises. Stainless steels can...
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