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  • A powerful tool for 3-D and multicolor STED imaging of cellular ultrastructure
    Chemists at ITbM, Nagoya University have developed a super-photostable fluorescent dye, PhoxBright 430 (PB430), to visualize cellular ultrastructure by super resolution microscopy. The exceptional ...
  • Boron nitride foam soaks up carbon dioxide
    Rice University materials scientists have created a light foam from two-dimensional sheets of hexagonal-boron nitride (h-BN) that absorbs carbon dioxide. They discovered freeze-drying h-BN turne...
  • Recovering phosphates from sewage sludge
    Sewage sludge contains lots of valuable elements which are prized as fertiliser for use in agriculture. Phosphorus in particular is an important nutrient for plants. Researchers at Landshut Univers...
  • Using electrochemistry to amp up drug manufacturing
    Give your medicine a jolt. By using electrochemistry, future pharmaceuticals - including many of the top prescribed medications in the United States - soon may be easily scaled up to be manufacture...
  • New ultrafast method for determining antibiotic resistance
    Researchers at Uppsala University have developed a new method for very rapidly determining whether infection-causing bacteria are resistant or susceptible to antibiotics. The findings have now been...
  • New mechanisms of protein transport in plant cells discovered
    Unlike many other organisms, plants can't simply run away from environmental conditions that change for the worse. Nonetheless, plants have the ability to react to environmental effects. These reac...
  • Stabilizing gold in very rare oxidation state +II
    According to text book knowledge, the usual oxidation states of gold in compounds are +I and +III. The divalent form (+II), on the other hand, prefers to form polynuclear compounds or simply underg...
  • Revealing effects of using chemicals
    The number of insects in Germany is declining rapidly - in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia alone, it has dropped by three-quarters within only 25 years. In a new study, biologists at Bielefeld ...
  • Structure of an enzyme that supplies carotenoid
    The lack of vitamin A in food is a major cause of health problems worldwide and can lead to blindness and even death. This is especially a problem in threshold or third-world countries, where child...
  • Observing individual atomic collisions during diffusion
    In the world of research, diffusion is understood as a process in which tiny particles uniformly disperse throughout a gas or liquid. Although these media are made up of individual particles, diffu...
  • How CRISPR proteins find their target
    UC Berkeley researchers have discovered how Cas1-Cas2, the proteins responsible for the ability of the CRISPR immune system in bacteria to adapt to new viral infections, identify the site in the ge...
  • A plastic planet - Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made
    More than 8 billion metric tons. That's the amount of plastic humans have created since the large-scale production of synthetic materials began in the early 1950s. It's enough to cover the entire c...
  • Fresh role for nitric oxide uncovered
    Cornell University chemists have uncovered a fresh role for nitric oxide that could send biochemical textbooks back for revision. They have identified a critical step in the nitrification proces...
  • Self-disposing supramolecular materials with a tunable lifetime
    Materials that assemble themselves and then simply disappear at the end of their lifetime are quite common in nature. Researchers at the Technical University Munich (TUM) have now successfully deve...
  • Introducing nano antibodies into living cells
    Scientists at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich and the Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP) have managed to introduce tiny antibodies i...
  • Measuring the half-life of RNA molecules
    RNA molecules are individual transcripts of the cell's DNA. They transfer the genetic information of the DNA and provide a template for the production of proteins that regulate all the cell's proce...
  • Study paves the way to investigate nano-machines in action
    A team of scientists has used microwaves to unravel the exact structure of a tiny molecular motor. The nano-machine consists of just a single molecule, made up of 27 carbon and 20 hydrogen atoms (C...
  • New method for quicker identification of environmental toxin benzopyrene
    Summertime is barbecue time. However, when fat reacts with glowing coal, a substance chemists call benzopyrene is created. It is a widespread environmental toxin that can cause cancer in humans. Si...
  • A precise new way to study materials using X-ray free-electron laser
    Scientists at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have made the first direct measurements, and by far the most precise ones, of how electrons mov...
  • Antioxidants against sepsis
    During sepsis, cells are swamped with reactive oxygen species generated in an aberrant response of the immune system to a local infection. If this fatal inflammatory path could be interfered, new t...
  • New polymer goes for a walk when illuminated
    Scientists at Eindhoven University of Technology and Kent State University have developed a new material that can undulate and therefore propel itself forward under the influence of light. To this ...
  • Inorganic biomaterials for soft-tissue adhesion
    Researchers at Okayama University describe a new type of biocompatible adhesive material. The adhesive, made from nanoparticles of hydroxyapatite, glues both synthetic hydrogels and mouse soft tiss...
  • Non-classical growth of crystals
    How do crystals grow? The answer given in current textbooks is: Layer by layer atoms or molecules settle on an existing crystal surface. The research team Physical Chemistry at the University of Ko...
  • New lab for electrochemical interfaces at BESSY II
    The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is establishing a joint lab together with the Max Planck Society (MPS) to study electrochemical phenomenon at solid/liquid interfaces. The Berlin Joint Lab for El...
  • Open imaging data for biology
    A picture may be worth a thousand words, but only if you understand what you are looking at. The life sciences rely increasingly on 2D, 3D and 4D image data, but its staggering heterogeneity and si...
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