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Online Laboratory Magazine


Higher tumor rates through exposure to electromagnetic fields


Electromagnetic fields stimulate the growth of tumors in mice. This is the result of a new study by researchers from Jacobs University, which was commissioned by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, and published today. The findings do not only confirm a previous pilot study undertaken by the Fraunhofer Institute ITEM in 2010, but expand on the knowledge in two important aspects. In a study with mice, Alexander Lerchl, Professor of Biology at Jacobs University, and his team could verify that carcinogen-induced tumor rates were significantly higher when the animals were exposed to electromagnetic fields such as those emitted from mobile phones.

"The effects on liver and lung tumors, as reported by ITEM in 2010, were fully confirmed," says Prof. Lerchl, who conducted the investigation together with colleagues from Jacobs University and from the University of Wuppertal. "In addition we found a significantly elevated rate of lymphoma due to exposure," the scientist explains. Furthermore, some of the effects were seen at levels below the exposure limits for the general population.

Alexander Lerchl, however, does not interpret the new data as being a proof for cancer induction through the use of mobile phones. "Our results show that electromagnetic fields obviously enhance the growth of tumors. The assumption that they can cause cancer has not been proven so far," Prof. Lerchl emphasizes. The biologist has published a large number of studies on the topic. Additional research is necessary to clarify the reasons for the latest results findings. "We can clearly demonstrate the effects. Now new studies must aim at explaining the underlying mechanisms", Prof. Lerchl concludes.

» Link to the new study

» Link to the ITEM study

Source: Jacobs University