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Quantas was accredited for the analytics of fungal toxins in grains and grain products


The analytical procedures at Quantas Analytics meet highest quality standards. This was confirmed within an accreditation process conducted by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour of the Republic of Austria. Quantas was granted the certificate after an extensive accreditation process according to ISO 17025. In the course of a preceding audit evaluators reviewed on site laboratory processes, interviewed employees and checked documentation. Accreditation was received for analysis of the most relevant fungal toxins (mycotoxins) in grains and grain products.

Quantas Analytics was founded in 2005 as a spin-off of the IFA Tulln, a Department of the University for Life Sciences in Vienna, and Romer Labs, an international food safety company. Quantas is located at the Technopol Tulln and staffed with six employees providing analytical services. In addition to mycotoxin analysis, determination of undesirable contaminants like genetically modified organisms (GMO) and allergens in food and feed is offered. Most recently the analysis of melamine was established, the substance that caused one of the largest food scandals in China several months ago, when baby and infant formula were supplemented with this highly toxic chemical. The accreditation certifies that quality management at Quantas Analytics meets highest reliability and safety standards.

Within the last years international comparability and consistent traceability have become relevant in many areas, particularly also in analytical services. The main standard used in testing and calibration laboratories is ISO/IEC 17025, which was issued by the International Organisation for Standardization in 2000 and covers two main sections: management requirements and technical requirement. While management requirements are primarily related to the operation and effectiveness of the quality management system within a laboratory, technical requirements address methodologies used, test equipment and the competence of staff. Accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 is the formal recognition of fulfillment of these requirements by an official accreditation body, which is the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour in Austria. This accreditation is internationally recognized.

Quelle: Quantas Analytics